Qasim yet to undergo required surgeries, still not allowed to fly: lawyer
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Civil Court Judge Haleem sets record after hearing 153 cases in one day
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MP Ameeth claims government withheld budget to build harbour in his constituency
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MP Mahloof visits Seychelles VP Vincent Meriton
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Ex-soldier's family living in military flat forcibly vacated, left pleading on street side
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Olhuvelifushi without power for over 12 hours
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Yameen Rasheed murder trial hearing on Sunday
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I regret it has deviated from its objectives: President Maumoon
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Deputy Speaker accuses of opposition of insincerity, motivated by greed
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Secretary General Ahmed Ameen tossing motion against MBC's Zaina is political, says MP Imthiyaz
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Cabinet ministers visit Lebanon and Bahrain
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18-yo Ibrahim Zahil succumbs to life-long complications
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Women's Chamber of Commerce launches charitable association
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Environment Minister approves reclamation of HDh. Kulhudhuffushi mangrove
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MP Musthafa to CPJ: available to comment reg. RaajjeTV fines, MBC "deliberately misinterpreted" my statement
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Up to High Court, to reach decision on the validity of changes to its bench in MP Faris' appeal case: SC
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Protest held against govt's plans to reclaim Kulhudhuffushi mangrove
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State rejects request to halt MP Faris’ trial
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Parliament passes supplementary budget of MVR 493 as proposed
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Feline wins over incumbent Maldives President in twitter poll
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