K. Male'
16 May 2024 | Thu 19:33
Materials used to package drugs
Materials used to package drugs
Maldives Police Service
Malé drug bust
Five arrested in Malé drug bust
Arrested were five men
The arrests were made under a court order
DED is currently conducting further investigations

Five individuals have been arrested in a drug bust in the capital city.

The Maldives Police Service (MPS) revealed that the operation was conducted in capital Malé City on May 14.

The operation stemmed from intel reports received by the Police Intelligence Unit regarding the abuse of narcotics.

As part of the operation, officers of the intelligence unit and the police Drug Enforcement Department (DED) arrested five men, between the ages of 27 – 45.

The arrests were made under a court order.

Officers that raided the residence where the suspects were at the time of the arrests, confiscated 29 rubber packets filled with suspected narcotics.

Upon being presented to the Criminal Court for their remand hearing, the suspects were given 15 days in remand.

DED is currently conducting further investigations in connection with the case.

Last updated at: 2 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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