K. Male'
19 Jul 2024 | Fri 15:30
Ihusaan signed the agreement at the handover ceremony
Ihusaan signed the agreement at the handover ceremony
UNODC gifts drones to MPS
UNODC gifts drones to bolster counter-terrorism efforts
They will be utilized by the police Marine Police Division, for short-range operations
The donation was funded by the EU Service for Foreign Policy Instrumer
Ihusaan signed the agreement at the handover ceremony

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has gifted drones to the Maldives Police Service.

The drones were gifted as part of the UNODC Global Maritime Crime Programme, during a special ceremony held for the occasion on Thursday.

The ceremony to hand over the drones, was held at the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology.

The drones were gifted in a bid to strengthen efforts of the police institution as part of their efforts to maintain maritime security.

They will be utilized by the police Marine Police Division, for short-range operations.

Taking to social media platform ‘X’, the UNODC Global Maritime Crime Programme revealed that they have delivered advanced underwater and aerial drones to MPS to bolster counter terrorism efforts in Maldives.

According to the UNODC, this donation will strengthen capacities to identify dangerous items alongside ensuring the safety of police officers.

The donation was funded by the European Union (EU) Service for Foreign Policy Instrumer.

In a post on ‘X’, MPS expressed gratitude to the UNODC Global Maritime Crime Programme for the generous contribution.

The police institution added that the tools will significantly enhance their counter-terrorism capabilities and assist in efforts to detect and neutralize threats more effectively.

MPS went on to express gratitude to the EU Service for Foreign Policy Instrumer the EU Foreign Policy for the continuous support provided to the Maldivian government in multiple ways.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan revealed that these drones will allow marine police to assist in the operations carried out by the Coast Guard.

The minister went on to highlight that these drones will pave the path for enhanced efforts by the marine police to maintain maritime security.

Ihusaan signed the agreement at the handover ceremony, on behalf of the Maldivian government.

Head of UNODC Office in Maldives, Enrico Boninsegna signed the agreement on behalf of UNODC.

Last updated at: 1 month ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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