K. Male'
19 Jun 2024 | Wed 16:57
Police Drug Enforcement Department (DED) officers
Police Drug Enforcement Department (DED) officers
Alcohol, drug trafficking
Man arrested for peddling drugs, alcohol
He was remanded for 30 days
Arrested and remanded was a 31-year-old Maldivian man
He is remanded at a custodial prison

An individual has been arrested and remanded under accusations of peddling drugs and alcohol.

The order issued by the Criminal Court as sought by the Maldives Police Service (MPS) revealed that the suspect arrested and remanded in connection with the case is a 31-year-old Maldivian man.

He is accused of using and peddling drugs and alcohol.

The Criminal Court slapped the suspect with a 30-day remand period.

He is being held at a custodial prison.

The reason cited for ordering the man's remand was that there was sufficient evidence to prove the charges against him.

As such, a statement of a police officer, the drug investigation report and the Scene of Crime Officer (SOCO) report revealed that a large quantity of alcohol, drugs and a digital scale were recovered from his residence.

The condition of remand is in view of Article 49 of the Constitution of Maldives and Section 59 and 60 of the Code of Criminal Procedure as he could pose a threat to the safety and security of the community.

The reason for considering the condition of remand is that a large quantity of drugs was found at his residence and equipment used for drug trafficking was found as well, with which he is deemed to be actively involved in drug peddling.

With this, the release of a person involved in drug trafficking on bail would pose a serious threat to the safety and security of the community, according to court.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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