K. Male'
02 May 2024 | Thu 16:55
Large stash of alcohol destroyed in Dhoonidhoo
Large stash of alcohol destroyed in Dhoonidhoo
Maldives Police Service
Police destroy alcohol
Large stash of alcohol destroyed in Dhoonidhoo
The alcohol was destroyed under the supervision of the relevant police committee
1,117 branded bottles were destroyed
53 other illegal paraphernalia were also destroyed

A large stash of alcohol in police custody which was confiscated during multiple operations, has been destroyed in Dhoonidhoo island.

The alcohol was destroyed under the supervision of the relevant police committee and under the set legal procedure for it.

The Maldives Police Service (MPS) revealed that destroyed in Dhoonidhoo on Thursday were 1,117 branded bottles, 210 PET bottles and 2,357 cans on beer.

53 other illegal paraphernalia were also destroyed.

The destroyed alcohol included those confiscated as part of cases submitted with the police institution that have been filed by the institution, those involved in incidents recorded by the Drug Enforcement Department, tourist police as well as Hulhumalé Police Station.

Last updated at: 2 weeks ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed