K. Male'
16 Nov 2023 | Thu 07:04
Hulhumale' Phase II lots
Hulhumale' Phase II lots
Final list of flat recipients
Gov’t publicizes final list of flat recipients
Three-room flats will be given to those who have scored above 76 marks
In the first round, two-room flats will be given to those who have scored above 73 marks
A draw will be held to allot flats to those who have been selected to receive flats

The final list of housing flat beneficiaries under the “Gedhoruveriyaa” scheme, has been publicized.

The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure publicized the list in the government gazette.

The list includes beneficiaries of the two-room flats and beneficiaries of the three-room flats.

With the changes brought to the list, three-room flats will be given to those who have scored 76 marks and above, and those who have scored above 75 marks in the remaining flats, will be selected to receive the flats, through a draw.

In the first round, two-room flats will be given to those who have scored above 73 marks according to the ministry.

The ministry went on to note that if a couple has been selected to receive a flat from among the applicants under the ‘Gedhoruveriyaa’ scheme, they with get one flat, or one of them will be allocated a flat.

A draw will be held to allot flats to those who have been selected to receive flats.

The monthly rent for  three-room flats to be allotted under the ‘Gedhoruveriyaa’ scheme is MVR 7,000 with a repair fee of MVR 1,000 per month.

The monthly rent for a two-room flats to be allotted under the ‘Gedhoruveriyaa’ scheme is set at MVR 5,000 with a repair fee of MVR 1,000 per month.

The rent collection will begin after a grace period of three months from the date the flats are handed over, are up.

Rent should be paid for a total of 300 months.

More than 20,000 applications were received for flats under the scheme, out of which more than 13,000 met the eligibility criteria.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih had earlier announced the decision to allot flats to all of the applicants who meet the eligibility criteria.

An interim list of flat beneficiaries was publicized on August 8. Those who wished to submit complaints regarding the provisional list were allowed to do so through the ‘Gedhoruverin Portal’ from 8 August 2023 to 22 August 2023.

Out of these, 2,000 housing units are being constructed at a price tag of USD 137 million by India’s JMC Projects, with the remaining 2,000 having been contracted to India’s NBCC company.

Under the project, 32 towers comprising of 17 or 18 stories, will be constructed. Each of the 32 towers will feature 128 apartments. These include 1,200 two-bedroom apartments and 2,800 three-bedroom apartments.

The ‘Gedhoruverin’ programme was launched by the administration to address the housing crisis facing the residents of the Greater Malé Region.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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