K. Male'
11 Oct 2021 | Mon 16:03
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Former President Mohamed Nasheed and President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Mabrook Azeez @MvSpokesperson
Speaker Mohamed Nasheed returns
Nasheed returns after nearly five months abroad
He transited from Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Nasheed's stay is expected to be short
President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih welcomed the former president upon arrival

Former president of the Maldives, and current speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Nasheed has returned to the Maldives.

After four months residing abroad after the assassination attempt on his life back in May, the speaker arrived in Maldives after transiting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih welcomed the former president at Velana International Airport (VIA) upon arrival.

Security forces and measures at the airport had been strengthened for Nasheed’s arrival.

Sources report that Nasheed’s stay in the Maldives will be short, as he will return to the United Kingdom in a few days-time.

Nasheed flew to Germany for further treatment from the injuries attained in the IED blast that targeted his life, on May 13. After some time spent recovering from injuries in Germany, the former president headed to the United Kingdom on July 2.

He visited Dubai to take part in the Dubai Expo 2020.

Nasheed was targeted in an assassination attempt on May 6, as he was heading out to attend an event in an island. The attack, which saw a remote-controlled IED explode near his residence in the center of Malé City, caused serious injuries to the ex-president.

The shrapnel pieces from the bomb blast caused a substantial amount of damage to his internal organs, but had missed some vital arteries and organs. A shrapnel piece struck his rib, which otherwise would have struck his heart, leading to a fatality.  Speaker Nasheed underwent 16 hours of live-saving surgery at ADK hospital.

On September 5, Nasheed revealed to the public that his health is much better than before. He said that he can now walk, move around and perform tasks on his own. However, three fingers on his left hand have a lingering numbness, therefore, he is unable to efficiently use his left hand.

The parliament’s committee on national security services conducted an inquiry into the security breach that led to the assassination attempt on Nasheed, recommendations of which are to be implemented under the National Security Advisor’s Office's counsel.

The trial is ongoing for eight charged in connection to the attack.

Shortly after the attack on May 6, authorities had announced plans to bring in foreign investigators to assist in the investigation. As such, a team from the Australian Federal Police is assisting in the probe, as well as American experts.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Imad Latheef
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