K. Male'
23 Jun 2021 | Wed 01:56
The Criminal Court granted the 27-year-old’s remand until sentencing, on Tuesday
The Criminal Court granted the 27-year-old’s remand until sentencing, on Tuesday
13-yo's abduction and murder
Court remands one of two suspects in brutal murder of 13-yo, pending sentencing
He is one of the two suspects apprehended in connection to the case
The other suspect, a 17-year-old, has been remanded for 15 days
The 13-year-old's body was found stuffed inside a suitcase a day after police received an abduction report

Criminal Court has ordered the remand of one of the two suspects arrested in connection to the abduction and heinous murder of a 13-year-old in Maldives capital Malé City, pending sentencing.

Early Tuesday Maldives was shaken after the murder of a 13-year-old boy made the headlines.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) revealed that the court had granted the 27-year-old man’s remand pending sentencing on Tuesday evening upon being presented for their remand hearing. The other suspect, a 17-year-old, has been remanded for 15 days. Both suspects were arrested at 2:38am on Tuesday.

RaajjeMV understands that the 27-year-old suspect has been identified as Ibrahim Zihan, native to Landhoo island in Noonu atoll.

The body of the boy, 13 and native to Madaveli island in Gaaf Dhaal atoll, was found stuffed inside a suitcase in the lagoon northeast of Hulhumalé Phase II, a region into which entry is unauthorized. Police pulled the suitcase out of the water on Monday night. The body was taken to Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) for analysis. The boy’s body is to be sent abroad for a post-mortem examination.

Speaking to press on Tuesday evening, Serious and Organized Crime Head, Chief Inspector of Police Abdulla Rasheed revealed that Hulhumalé police was informed of an wounded boy in the restricted area of Hulhumalé Phase II on June 21 after initially receiving the abduction report on June 20, following which officers began searching the region.

Rasheed went on to reveal that they are currently working to find out additional information in connection to the case and collect the required evidence before sending the case for trial.

Rasheed urged the public to contact them through 9911099, 3000600 or 1412 to share any information regarding the case if attained. He also revealed that the police institution has made great progress into the investigation.

Also joining Tuesday’s press, the Deputy Minister of Gender, Family and Social Services Fathmath Yumna revealed that the Child and Family Protection Services had worked with the family of the murdered boy to provide social services to him. As such, she noted that the Child and Family Protection Services worked with the boy’s mother to provide him social support.

Yumna noted that the child was deemed a capable student by his teachers and that the ministry was deeply saddened to hear of his death in the early hours of Tuesday.

Upon receiving the report of his death from police, the ministry’s Child and Family Protection Services had begun efforts to provide the required social and mental support to the family. She urged the public and media to take into account what the family is going through, and to refrain from sharing personal information as well as to ensure the accuracy of the information regarding the case. With this being said, Yumna added that action will be taken under the Child Rights Protection Act, if the child’s information is shared with public.

Yumna went on to assure the public that the Child and Family Protection Services will give in their best efforts to cooperate with relevant authorities to bring justice to the brutally murdered boy’s family.

An eyewitness told RaajjeMV earlier on Tuesday that they had witnessed two men lugging a suitcase towards the restricted area in the suburban extension’s Phase II at around 5 – 5:30am on Sunday. The eyewitness revealed that they had lost sight of the two men, who arrived in a car and that they were last seen heading towards the sea. The eyewitness also revealed that the suitcase was tied so that it would not drift away, adding that the suspects were present in the area when police discovered the suitcase.

The police institution has since assured that the heinous crime “is being investigated with utmost diligence”.

Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) has also called for an “immediate” and “transparent” investigation into the abduction and murder of the teenager.

Reiterating its commitment to remain steadfast in efforts to cooperate with relevant authorities to safeguard the rights of children nationwide, ARC asserted that all forms of violence against children must end immediately, calling for perpetrators of such heinous crimes to be brought to justice with no delay.

The local NGO went on to express growing concerns regarding increasing cases of violence against children, provoked by systematic flaws in the country’s child protection system. ARC revealed that the system is worsened by inconsistencies in law enforcement, judicial and social sectors tasked with the protection of child rights nationwide.

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