K. Male'
14 Jul 2024 | Sun 15:56
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
56th Session of Human Rights Council
Maldives actively participates in 56th HRC Session
The session wrapped up on July 12
Maldives co-sponsored 15 resolutions
Maldives delivered national statements on an array of thematic areas

The delegation of Maldives has actively participated in the 56th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

The 56th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council was held in Geneva, Switzerland and wrapped up on July 12.

At the 56th Session of the UNHRC, the Human Rights Council adopted 26 resolutions.

Maldives co-sponsored 15 resolutions including those on the Safety of the Child in the Digital Environment, Plastic Pollution Implications on the Full Enjoyment of Human Rights, Promotion, Protection of Human Rights in the context of Peaceful Protests and Menstrual Hygiene Management, Human Rights and Gender Equality among others.

Further, the island nation delivered national statements on an array of thematic areas that aligned with key priorities of the administration.

In addition to this, Maldives was part of the cross-regional core group of the resolution on Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary, Jurors, and Assessors, and the Independence of Lawyers.

The resolution aims to reinforce the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and legal professionals to uphold human rights and achieve Sustainable Development Goal 16, while addressing modern challenges such as digital technologies, gender sensitivity, and global disparities.

Adopted by consensus, the resolution had 70 co-sponsors supporting it at the time of adoption.

Maldives co-sponsored 30 joint statements delivered during this session including statements by the Organization for Islamic Cooperation and Non-Aligned Movement among others.

On behalf of the group of Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Maldives also delivered a statement on Human Rights and Climate Change.

The island nation also reiterated the commitment of SIDS to work collectively for a sustainable environment for all.

Further, Maldives demonstrated its strong commitment to the Palestinian cause by co-sponsoring four joint statements covering themes such as education, health and systematic discrimination. 

Permanent Representative of Maldives to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Ambassador Dr. Salma Rasheed led the island nation’s delegation for the 56th Session of the UNHRC.

The delegation comprised of Counsellor Adam Hamid, Counsellor Aminath Shifaya Ibrahim, Second Secretary Maryam Fathika Fayaz, Second Secretary Aishath Rifga Mohamed, and Attaché Raaidh Saeed from the Permanent Mission of the Maldives to the UN Office in Geneva.

Maldives participated in the 55th Session of UNHRC back in April, where the delegation actively contributed and delivered 30 national statements. Back then, Maldives voted in favor of four resolutions concerning the Occupied Palestinian Territory as well. This, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, mirrors the government’s unwavering support for the struggle of Palestinians for self-determination.

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