K. Male'
30 Jun 2024 | Sun 16:35
Chief Inspector of Police Ahmed Samih speaking at the presser
Chief Inspector of Police Ahmed Samih speaking at the presser
Jameel's death in prison
Jameel's death in prison: MPS found no foul play, thorough probes underway
Authorities do not believe there was any foul play in the case
Findings so far do not suggest that there were any suspicions surrounding his death
The inmate at Maafushi Prison was remanded pending sentencing

The Maldives Police Service (MPS) has assured that they will conduct thorough investigations into the death of Mohamed Jameel and check if there was any negligence or foul play surrounding his death.

The inmate at Maafushi Prison was remanded pending sentencing. The 45-year-old was native to Funadhoo island of Shaviyani atoll and passed away some time on Friday. He had been in custody since 12 July 2023, in connection with accusations of being involved in a case of violence and using dangerous and sharp weapons for assault.

He was also arrested for allegedly assaulting former State Minister at the Ministry of Environment, Ali Solih and for churning chaos while Friday prayers were ongoing at Salman Mosque.

Speaking at a press conference hosted on Saturday, Chief Inspector of Police Ahmed Samih stated that their findings so far do not suggest that there were any suspicions surrounding his death.

As such, Samih noted that although there were bruises on the inmate’s body, they could not yet determine they were a result of torture.

When questioned whether police had combed through footage to confirm if he was physically or mentally assaulted, MPS noted that the case was still under investigation.

Adding that footage at prison complexes are usually kept for seven days, Samih stated that all of the footage will be examined.

Samih assured that they would check if authorities were negligent or if there was any foul play in the case, as part of the probe.

Going on to assure that they would look into all aspects of the police investigation so that there is no room for questions in connection with the case of Jameel’s death.

The Chief Inspector of Police noted that a CT scan has also been conducted to see if the results suggest any other factors that could be useful in the probe.

In addition to this, he addressed pictures of Jameel being circulated on social media platforms presently. The pictures in question show bruises all over Jameel’s body. Samih stated that these are only common signs in a decomposing body.

Samih noted that this happens when after the body shuts down, the natural blood flow system causes blood to accumulate in one direction.

He also stated that authorities had provided adequate medical treatment Jameel had required.

The police institution on Saturday, publicized a CCTV footage to media, showing the last moments Jameel spent inside his cell. He was found in the prostrating position from 07:45am to 11:34am, believed to have been in prayer. As he was praying, officers did not enter the cell. However, prison officers entered the cell after he was found in the same position hours later.

Since then, ‘The Democrats’ has approached the Human Rights Commission of Maldives (HRCM), seeking a thorough investigation into the case, as there appears to be concerns and suspicions surrounding Jameel’s death and have sparked allegations of foul play.

This also comes at a time several members of the public have been expressing concern, stressing that Jameel's death was caused by torture and negligence by the Maldives Correctional Service.

With these concerns, ‘The Democrats’ has requested to investigate whether there was any negligence on authorities’ end, in connection with the inmate’s death.

They have also requested to probe whether he was assaulted by the prison guards and whether all of his rights guaranteed under the laws and regulations, including adequate medical treatment, were fully provided during his detention period.

The corrections department stated that Jameel was taken to the Maafushi Prison Medical Center to provide CPR, after he was found motionless for a long period of time without stepping out of his cell.

Corrections confirmed that he was taken to the Maafushi Health Center at 12:13 and that doctors at the center pronounced him dead at around 12:45, from cardiopulmonary arrest.

Members of the general public have cited some other inmates having revealed that Jameel succumbed to injuries from torture.

However, these claims have been brushed off by the corrections department as well as MPS.

As such, speaking at Saturday’s presser, Assistance Commissioner of Prisons Mohamed Asif had assured that none of the inmates in their custody were ever tortured.

Addressing these concerns, he stated that the inspector of corrections was in the process of recording statements from other inmates.

This said, Asif asserted that rumors being circulated about the circumstances surrounding his death, were baseless and encouraged the public to stop spreading misinformation.

However, Asif noted that it was disheartening that authorities could not attend to Jameel for four hours after his death.

The police institution has revealed that even doctors did not believe that the bruises on Jameel’s body were caused by torture.

At the time the body was examined, officials from HRCM and the National Integrity Commission were also present.

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan, who was also present at the presser, told press that authorities had initially decided to conduct an autopsy on Jameel’s body, to address the rumor regarding signs of assault.

However, as the family had repeatedly asked for the body to be buried without conducting an autopsy, Ihusaan stated that the decision was withdrawn and permission was given to bury him.

Ihusaan also stated that the bruises on Jameel’s body were from body discoloration and that the remaining marks on his body were from the position he was in before he died. Jameel’s mouth and nose were also foaming when he was found.

Authorities do not believe there was any foul play in the case.

Jameel was also found to have been diagnosed with a mental illness.

18 hours ago
"Jameel was also found to have been diagnosed with a mental illness." What is the significance of this sentence at the end. It takes away the humanity, a human being like ourselves have died, someone's son, a father, or a brother. With a direct source I can confirm that the authorities are using the medical histories of people who can expose the years of corruption and the inhumane actions by the very people sworn to "help" them get treated for a "DISEASE"!!! Are we ok with what we share with our doctors are been forced to write every single thing a patient says and they use the Aasandha portal so that NDA, MPS unqualified officers, without psychiatric qualification; activist occupying these posts tour using these "prescriptions" to silence and defame those who can prove such atrocities. One death changed a culture of 3 decades, now a death is normal. How many needs to die for the truth to come? For it is Allah SWA who plans and makes the hidden secrets reveal those hidden secret of men.