K. Male'
22 Apr 2024 | Mon 16:02
Anara Naeem contested for the Huraa consituency
Anara Naeem contested for the Huraa consituency
Shuaib Mohamed Iqbal
Parliamentary elections 2024
Only three women secured seats in Sunday's polls
This means that the female representation has dropped
Two candidates represented PNC
41 women contested in total

Provisional results have shown that only three out of all the women who contested for seats in the upcoming 20th tenure of the People’s Majlis, confirmed seats.

A total of 41 women contested for seats in the parliamentary elections held on Sunday, including some who are presently serving as parliamentarians for the 19th Majlis term.

Two female candidates who won seats in Sunday’s election, contested with the main ruling People’s National Congress (PNC) tickets. The other one was an independent candidate.

The women who won seats are incumbent president Dr. Mohamed Muizzu’s younger sister Fathimath Saudha who vied for the Nilandhoo seat, Asma Rasheed who vied for the Central Maafannu seat and government-endorsed candidate for Huraa constituency Anara Naeem.

The 19th tenure of parliament consists of three parliamentarians representing former ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and one representing ‘The Democrats’.

The drop in female representation in the upcoming parliament tenure comes at a time President Muizzu had earlier pledged to increase the percentage of female representation in parliament.

He also pledged a special allowance to female MPs who secure seats after running with the ruling coalition’s tickets.

A total of 368 candidates vied for seats in Sunday’s polls.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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