K. Male'
18 Apr 2024 | Thu 07:30
Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)
Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)
Sun Online
Cases of influenza
125 cases of influenza detected so far this year
850 samples have been tested so far
Common cold cases have been increasing
Those with symptoms have been urged to follow precautions

A total of 125 cases of influenza have been confirmed across the Maldives so far this year.

This was revealed by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) on Wednesday.

HPA revealed that the number of people reported to have exhibited symptoms of the virus in March was considerably low in comparison to the figure reported in February this year.

The public health authority revealed that out of the 850 samples tested for the virus so far this year, 125 had returned positive.

Further, HPA highlighted that the number of common cold cases had surged in March, in comparison to February.

A total of 29,184 cases of common cold were reported to authorities in February this year, whereas the number increased to 33,637 during March.

HPA has appealed on the public to vaccinate against influenza.

HPA has also advised the public to take vaccination and precautionary treatment for influenza in the coming days.

Some of the precautionary measures that have been urged include regular hand washing, taking more fluids if one catches the cold, only using paracetamol if one has a high temperature, covering one’s nose and mouth when coughing to make sure that others don’t get infected, wearing long-sleeve shirts and long pants and using mosquito repellent lotions or sprays to prevent dengue fever.

While influenza and its complications can be deadly, individuals who are 65 and older, individuals with certain chronic medical conditions like diabetes, asthma or heart diseases, pregnant women, children below five and those who have recently undergone a transplant are more prone to getting complications.

HPA has stressed on the importance of adhering to precautionary measures, to prevent the spread of viral flu and common cold cases.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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