K. Male'
13 Feb 2024 | Tue 16:17
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Israel's plans to invade Rafah City
Maldives strongly condemns Israel's plans to invade Rafah City
The government has urged the international community to pressure the authorities of Israel to abide by the order of provisional measures of the International Court of Justice of 26 January 2024
Maldives has reiterated its call on the international community to take decisive action

The government of Maldives has strongly condemned the threats by the government of Israel, to launch a full-scale invasion of Rafah City in the southern Gaza strip.

Rafah City in the southern Gaza strip is the final refuge for millions of Palestinians displaced due to the ongoing military aggression in Gaza by the armed forces of Israel.

In a statement publicized on Monday, the government of Maldives revealed that the forced displacement and inhumane attacks against innocent Palestinians and the obstruction of humanitarian assistance by the Israeli occupation forces, is against international laws and regulations and equal to war crimes.

Maldives has reiterated its call on the international community to take decisive action to prevent the continuation of the genocidal acts of the Israeli forces.

The government has urged the international community to pressure the authorities of Israel to abide by the order of provisional measures of the International Court of Justice of 26 January 2024 to take measures to prevent any acts of genocide, to establish an immediate ceasefire and to ensure uninterrupted delivery of humanitarian assistance to Palestine.

The statement revealed that the people and government of Maldives remains in strong solidarity with the people of Palestine.

The government has reaffirmed its commitment and support for Palestine’s legitimate right to statehood, through the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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