K. Male'
08 Feb 2024 | Thu 08:09
The vice president met council members of Madaveli on Tuesday
The vice president met council members of Madaveli on Tuesday
VP meets Madaveli council members
GDh. Madaveli council shares urgent development needs with VP
The vice president met council members of Madaveli on Tuesday
Councilors also raised concerns on the incomplete water and sanitation project
The councilors shed light on difficulties surfacing for the island school

The council members of Madaveli island of Gaaf Dhaal atoll, have shared urgent development needs of the island community, with Vice President Hussain Mohamed Latheef.

This was done during a meeting the vice president held with the Madaveli councilors on Tuesday.

Discussions at the meeting revolved around development initiatives, as well as challenges the island community has been facing.

Some of these challenges surfacing for the island community includes issues faced by the island’s fishing community.

In addition to this, councilors also raised concerns on the incomplete water and sanitation project.

They also talked about the need to expand the island’s harbor and raised the issue of space constraints in the island’s mosque.

The councilors shed light on difficulties surfacing for the island school, due to space constraints and the lack of single-session classes.

Listening to these concerns, the vice president acknowledged that the projects emphasized by the councilors were crucial for the development of the island, adding that the government remains committed to resolve the issues facing the island community.

VP Latheef went on to state that the government has planned significant development initiatives for the island and assured them that the plans would be implemented in accordance with the community’s requests.

The councilors were also assured by the vice president that the government would work to tackle and address the issues they are facing, after consultations with relevant authorities.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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