K. Male'
31 Jan 2024 | Wed 23:11
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu and Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Aslam
President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu and Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Aslam
president office
People's Majlis
First sitting of this year’s first parliament session slated for February 5
The sitting will begin at 9am
The president will deliver his presidential address at the inaugural sitting
This will be Muizzu’s first-ever presidential address

The first sitting of the People’s Majlis, of the first session of the new year has been slated for February 5.

This is the sitting at which the president will deliver his very first presidential address to the public.

The People’s Majlis is scheduled to hold its first sitting of this year’s first session at 9am on February 5, which falls on a Monday.

Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Aslam will begin the sitting, after which President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu will deliver his presidential address.

Article 84 of the Maldives Constitution mandates the president to address the People’s Majlis on the state of the country at the beginning of the first session of every year, where he may also present proposals for improving the state of the country.

The presidential address usually sheds light on the situation of the country and the president usually highlights what he believes would be a necessary step to improve the situation of the island nation.

Another parliament sitting will proceed at 2pm, the same day.

The first reading of the resolution moved under Article 167 of the Rules of Parliament has been placed on the agenda, as the president has re-appointed three members to his Cabinet of Ministers who have not been approved by the People’s Majlis under Article 129(c) of the Maldives Constitution. They were initially appointed on 17 November 2023.

Article 129(c) of the Constitution clearly states that the president must receive the approval of the people’s majlis for all appointments to the cabinet, except for the vice president.

Further, the inaugural parliament sitting will also see debates on the bill submitted by MP for Ihavandhoo constituency Mohamed Shifau, seeking to amend the General Election Act.

Last updated at: 5 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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