K. Male'
28 Oct 2023 | Sat 15:02
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
UNSC Open Debate
Maldives delivers statement at UNSC Open Debate on Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question
Maldives addressed the deep suffering unfolding in Gaza and across Palestine due to the Israeli military aggression
Maldives went on to reaffirm its unwavering support for the Palestinian people
Maldives also called for an end to the mass forced displacement in Gaza

The government of Maldives has delivered a statement at the United Nations Security Council Open Debate on the ‘Situation in the Middle East’, including the ‘Palestinian Question’.

The statement was delivered by Dr. Hala Hameed, Ambassador at the Permanent Mission of the Maldives to the United Nations on behalf of the Maldives, on October 24.

Maldives addressed the deep suffering unfolding in Gaza and across Palestine due to the Israeli military aggression.

The island nation’s statement reiterated the international community’s calls for an immediate ceasefire and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor.

The Maldives also called for an end to the mass forced displacement in Gaza and for the protection of the civilian population.

The government of Maldives went on to reaffirm its unwavering support for the Palestinian people in their legitimate quest for inalienable rights, including self-determination.

Expressing grave concern over the Security Council's failure to act swiftly and decisively to end the exacerbating crisis, the Maldives shed light on the importance of upholding Security Council Resolutions 476 and 478, nullifying actions altering Jerusalem's status, and Resolution 2334, distinguishing Israel's territories post-1967.

Further, Maldives also announced President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih’s decision to donate two million cans of tuna to Palestine, as a demonstration of its solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Maldives reiterated its long-standing position that a lasting solution to the conflict can only be achieved through the internationally accepted “two-State solution”, with the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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