K. Male'
15 Jan 2023 | Sun 12:13
Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed
Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed
president office
Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed
MPS needs to be able to solve all of public concerns: CP Hameed
CP said that changes are still needed in the training programs of police officers
CP advised the graduates to always pay close attention to the concerns raised by the public
CP Hameed said that the public always have high hopes regarding the services of MPS

The blue uniform of Maldives Police Service (MPS) will be seen as a beacon of hope, if only the institution can solve of the concerns raised by the public, says Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed.

The Police Commissioner made the remarks while speaking the graduation ceremony of the 34th Police Training Initial Course on Saturday.

Speaking at the function, CP Hameed said that the public always have high hopes regarding the services of MPS. He stated that this could be achieved if all the officers can hold the integrity of their post.

The CP went on to advice the graduates to always pay close attention to the concerns raised by the public. He described this as the first step in serving the society the best.

Moreover, the Police Commissioner went onto say that changes are still needed in the training programs of police officers to provide the public with the best services they are looking forward for.

Highlighting that training programs are ongoing in the National College of Police and Law enforcement, work still needs to be done to see the full potential of the college.

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