K. Male'
02 Apr 2017 | Sun 20:12
Half-brothers former President Maumoon and President Yameen
Half-brothers former President Maumoon and President Yameen
Battle of the Gayooms
RaajjeTV Poll: 92% of voters still see Maumoon as PPM leader
92 percent of the voters still accept the former President as PPM’s leader, with just eight percent voting for President Yameen
The online poll was held from Friday night to Saturday night
The brothers have been involved in a public dispute since June 2016

The results of an online poll carried out by RaajjeTV shows that 92 percent of the voters still believe that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom is the legitimate leader of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM).

The poll, held from Friday night to Saturday night, showed that 92 percent of the voters still accept the former President as PPM’s leader, while just eight percent sees incumbent President Abdulla Yameen as the party leader.

The poll was opened as the dispute between the half-brothers intensifies, with President Yameen’s faction of PPM dismissing Maumoon, the party’s founder and elected leader, from the party.

Back in 2016, Civil Court ordered that the party be handed over to President Yameen, PPM’s chief advisor.

In a tweet sent out on March 26, the former President dismissed the attempt to remove him from the party, saying that a “Daarubaaru” faction “has not legal standing and cannot dismiss members from PPM”. Dharubaaru translates to “formal gathering” and initially after the dispute began, President Yameen’s faction had held its conferences and such at “Dhaarubaaruge”, before opening up a new PPM head office.

With the Grace of Allah, I will continue to be a member of PPM and its sole elected president and leader,” said Maumoon in a second tweet.

After the result of the RaajjeTV poll was revealed, the former President thanked RaajjeTV.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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