K. Male'
16 Jun 2018 | Sat 16:38
File photo: A total of 1,000 pilgrims are to depart for Hajj from Maldives in 2017
File photo: A total of 1,000 pilgrims are to depart for Hajj from Maldives in 2017
Hajj Pilgrimage 1439
Maldives Hajj Corporation starts looking for volunteers for this year's pilgrimage
Maldives Hajj Corporation Limited is looking for a total of 15 volunteers
They are looking for cooks, support staff, custom service officers and Imams
A total of 1,000 pilgrims are to depart for Hajj from Maldives in 2017

Maldives Hajj Corporation Limited is looking for volunteers to help out during this year's Hajj pilgrimage.

The Hajj Corporation said that they are looking for 15 volunteers to prepare food for pilgrims, adding that they should be experienced.

They are also looking for support staff, customs service officers and Imams as well.

While the pilgrims will start departing for Hajj in July, Maldives Hajj Corporation Limited has already begun preparations, and has introduced special packages for pilgrims. This includes easier payments methods such as monthly payments.

Hajj 2018 is to commence on August 19 and will continue till August 24. However, these are tentative date as the actual date is contingent on the sighting of the moon of Dhul Hijjah.

The fifth pillar of Islam, Hajj is the largest annual religious gathering of people in the world, and ends with the celebration of Eid al-Adha.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
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