K. Male'
07 Jun 2018 | Thu 22:35
Maumoon Hameed
Maumoon Hameed
Maumoon Hameed
Ex-President's lawyer gives statement and voice sample to police
The investigation in Maumoon Hameed's case began a 100 days after the 13th of February
He is being accused of spreading false information about a police investigation during the State of Emergency, on the 13th of February
In total, four charges have been raised against the law practitioner

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's attorney Maumoon Hameed presented himself to the Police Headquarters (HQ) on Thursday, where the police took a statement from him as well as a voice sample.

Hameed was summoned to police HQ following accusations raised against him for spreading false information about a police investigation at an interview he had given to media during the State of Emergency on the 13th of February.

Four charges have been raised against the law practitioner which are, attempting to hide evidence, obstructing the work of an officer in law enforcement, for attempting to commit a criminal offense and for hindering the work of public officials.

Hameed was first ordered to present himself to police HQ last Tuesday following which he had presented himself to police HQ prior to the time at which he was summoned. Police had however, asked him to return as they were not prepared to proceed with the investigation at that time.

After having provided a voice sample, photo and given a statement to the police upon being summoned on Thursday, Maumoon took to twitter, writing that he had facilitated the investigation of the police, adding that he is glad to have assisted in their investigation gratuitously.

Hameed wrote that he hopes the office is being kept open so that they can send the file on Thursday itself, further saying not to repeat the "huge blunders" they made in the other "politically motivated" cases.

Some have said that the investigations conducted by the police a 100 days since the 13th of February have been politically influenced.

Maumoon Hameed, who is the nephew of incumbent President Abdulla Yameen and his half-brother Maumoon Abdul Gayoom who is currently in incarceration, is presiding over his uncle Gayoom and Faris Maumoon's cases as their legal representative.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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