K. Male'
29 May 2018 | Tue 17:30
Gayoom\'s employees Najma Ibrahim and Mohamed Azmee
Gayoom's employees Najma Ibrahim and Mohamed Azmee
Najma and Azmee
Hearing in Gayoom's detained employees terrorism trial cancelled
The hearing was scheduled at 11:00 a.m on Tuesday
Criminal Court revealed it was cancelled following a letter submitted appealing for cancellation as Najma's child had fallen ill
The state had raised charges of obstruction of justice against Najma and Azmee on the 18th of April

A hearing in the trial following charges raised against Najma Ibrahim, an employee at the Office of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Azmee who works in his personal security team, has been cancelled.

The Criminal Court had revealed that the reason behind the cancellation is following a letter submitted to the court appealing to cancel the hearing scheduled for 11:00 a.m on Tuesday due to Najma's child having fallen ill.

The state had raised charges of obstruction of justice against Najma and Azmee on the 18th of April. According to informations attained by RaajjeMV, a hearing in the cases of both Gayoom's employees has not been held thus far.

Najma and Azmee were arrested following accusations of their alleged involvement in charges of attempting to overthrow the government raised on her employer, Gayoom, as well as Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed. 

Najma is suspected of offering bribes to Members of Parliament in a bid to overthrow the current administration. Najma's arrest warrant added that her arrest was a must as she was a risk to the public and posed risk of destroying evidence as well as intimidate potential witnesses along with hindering ongoing investigatons.

While terrorism charges have been raised on both, the biggest evidence Maldives Police Service (MPS) has found against them so far upon conducting a raid, is a "black bag" eivdently found in Najma's residence.

Gayoom's office had released a statement following Najma and Azmee's prolonged incarceration, stating that they are being incarcerated under fabricated accusations.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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