K. Male'
28 May 2018 | Mon 21:20
Former Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed
Former Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed
Judicial Administrator Saeed
Monday's hearing on Judicial Administrator's obstruction case cancelled
Obstruction charges were raised against Saeed after the authorities claimed that he had attempted to escape his arrest ahead of a police operation
A reason had not been disclosed for the cancellation
A previous hearing in the case was also cancelled on the 19th of March

Monday's hearing in the trial against detained former Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed Hussain has been cancelled.

A reason has not yet been disclosed by the court for the cancellation.

A previous hearing scheduled for 19th of March was also cancelled.

The court has declared that Saeed's trial will be held behind closed doors and that the public and media will not be permitted to enter the court proceeding.

Obstruction charges were raised against Saeed for allegedly fleeing and arrest ahead of a police investigation.

Saeed is also accused of accepting a large amount of money that he allegedly used to bribe Supreme Court justices into issuing the initial ruling on the 1st of February releasing unjustly detained political prisoners and reinstating opposition Members of Parliament.

Maldives Police Service also states that they have evidence against Saeed in the bribery allegations raised against him. Saeed is also accused of offering bribes to purchase apartments from a government housing project.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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