K. Male'
28 May 2018 | Mon 16:15
The alert will remain until 9pm on Monday
The alert will remain until 9pm on Monday
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Weather Update
MET Office issues white alert for entire country
The alert will remain until 9pm on Monday
Strong winds and rough seas expected
Swell waves to hit northern regions at 10:56pm, central region at 12:27pm and southern region at 01:12am

Maldives Meteorological Service (MET Office) has issued a white alert for the entire country on Monday.

The alert will remain until 9pm.

According to the weather forecast for the next 24 hours, scattered showers and thunderstorms will be experienced in north and central atolls, with thunderstorms expected in northern atolls. Winds may gust at 50 miles per hour during showers.

Noting that the seas are expected to be generally rough, especially during showers, MET Office advised all – especially sea travelers – ‘to be extra vigilant and take all necessary precautions’.

The MET Office also warned of swell waves during high tide times on Monday, and noted the time in which they are most likely to occur. Swell waves are expected to hit the northern atolls at around 10:56pm, central atolls at around 12:27pm and southern atolls at around 01:12 am.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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