K. Male'
22 Apr 2018 | Sun 13:16
Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed
Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Jailed Supreme Court Justices
Hearing in Chief Justice Saeed and Justice Hameed's terrorism trial scheduled for Sunday
Gayoom, Saeed and Hameed have been remanded for the rest of their trials
In the first preliminary hearing, the justices were given 10 days to appoint legal representation
This is the second preliminary hearing in the justices terror trial and has been scheduled for 03:00 pm on Sunday afternoon

A court hearing has been scheduled on trials against Supreme Court Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed and Justice Ali Hameed for Sunday.

This is the second preliminary hearing in the justices terror trial and has been scheduled for 03:00 pm on Sunday afternoon.

The previous preliminary hearing held in the trial of Justices Saeed and Hameed was held on the 12th of April behind closed doors.

However, both justices had been given the opportunity to appoint lawyers within five days.

Obstruction and terror charges have also been raised on the justices along with long-serving statesman Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, for allegedly obstructing justice and conspiring to overthrow the government.

In the first preliminary hearing, the justices were given 10 days to appoint legal representation.

All three have been remanded for the rest of their trials.

Gayoom, Saeed and Hameed were arrested on the night President Yameen Abdul Gayoom declared a state of emergency on the 5th of February. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Husham Mohamed
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