K. Male'
19 Nov 2017 | Sun 19:03
Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed and SG Ahmed Mohamed
Parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed and SG Ahmed Mohamed
MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Detained MP Faris files case at SC, against parliament Speaker and SG
The case was filed last Thursday
The case was filed over the parliament's failure to take him for parliament sittings and committee meetings
MP Faris is charged with bribery and identity theft

Detained MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon's legal team has filed a case at the Supreme Court, against parliament speaker and secretary general.

The Dhiggaru constituency MP was arrested on July 18, with the Criminal Court ruling to keep him in remand for the duration of investigation and trial into the bribery allegations against. MP Faris has since been charged with bribery and identity theft.

The team is asking the Court to declare the parliament Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed and SG Ahmed Mohamed are no longer eligible to hold the posts.

The case was filed over the parliament's failure to present him for parliament sittings and committee meetings.

It noted that it is a basic right of the people of all constituencies, that their elected parliamentarians are representing them in parliament. It said that all constituents have a right, for their elected officials to represent them in parliament, especially as parliament is getting ready to debate over the 2018 state budget.

Noting that denying the right could cause irreversible losses to the people of Dhiggaru, the case highlighted that the authorities are defying the Constitution, every time a vote is taken in the absence of an elected representative.

The case also highlighted that no one has the authority to deny a parliamentarian their right to partake in parliament sittings and committee meetings, by violating the regulations.

The case also seeks to nullify all decisions reached during parliament sittings and committee meetings, in the absence of MP Faris, in turn depriving the people of Dhiggaru of their right. It also asked the Court to order the relevant authorities to ensure that MP Faris is able to fulfill his responsibilities as an elected member of parliament.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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