K. Male'
17 Aug 2017 | Thu 21:08
Jumhooree Party (JP)'s Secretary General Ahmed Sameer was arrested on Wednesday night
Jumhooree Party (JP)'s Secretary General Ahmed Sameer was arrested on Wednesday night
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Opposition Intimidation
Jumhooree Party SG released with conditions
JP's coordinator Jaufar Shafeeu, who was arrested with Sameer, has been released as well
Court ruled to release him despite officers requesting to remand him for a period of 15 days
He was arrested from an opposition demonstration on Wednesday night

Jumhooree Party (JP)'s Secretary General Ahmed Sameer was released on Thursday evening, after being presented to the Criminal Court for his remand hearing.

Sameer was arrested from an opposition demonstration on Wednesday night, as he was giving a live interview to RaajjeTV.

At the remand hearing, police had requested to remand him for a period of 15 days. However, the Court ruled to release him, with conditions.

The conditions given to him are; avoid unlawful activities, cooperate with the police in the investigation, and to provide his contact number.

Noting that the police had claimed that Sameer was arrested from the rally, his defence noted that Sameer's arrest was aired on live TV.

JP's coordinator Jaufar Shafeeu, who was arrested with Sameer, has been released as well.

Defence lawyer Ali Zahir noted that police officers had failed to follow the Criminal Procedure Act during their arrest.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim