K. Male'
16 Aug 2017 | Wed 18:07
Neeza Imad
Neeza Imad
MMA Governor
President nominates Neeza Imad for MMA Governor
The nomination comes after the resignation of Dr. Azeema Adam
President Yameen sent her name for approval to Parliament on Wednesday
Neeza is currently the Assistant Governor

Neeza Imad has been nominated as the new Governor to the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA), following the resignation of Dr. Azeema Adam on Wednesday.

President Abdulla Yameen sent her name for approval to the Parliament on Wednesday.

Spokesperson at the President's Office confirmed the news via twitter.

Neeza is currently the Assistant Governor, as well as a member of MMA's board of directors.

After weeks of speculation, Dr. Azeema Adam resigned as Governor at press conference on Wednesday morning, revealing her intention to leave the Maldives to go reside with her husband Dr. Ali Naseer in New York, United States. Naseer was recently appointed as the Permanent Representative to the United States of America and the non-resident Ambassador to Canada.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed