K. Male'
24 Jul 2024 | Wed 16:51
People's Majlis
People's Majlis
20th People’s Majlis
Governing rules of 20th People’s Majlis, passed
The rules were approved by the parliament’s general committee
They were passed with the votes of 64 lawmakers
This was done during Wednesday’s sitting

Governing rules of the ongoing 20th People’s Majlis assembly, have been passed.

The rules were approved by the parliament’s general committee, with the votes of 64 lawmakers who attended Wednesday’s sitting.

During the first parliamentary sitting, it was passed to implement the governing rules of the past 19th People’s Majlis assembly, until the rules of the new parliamentary tenure are compiled.

Accordingly, the general committee has gone ahead with the process of compiling the rules.

Parliamentary Group leader of the main-ruling People’s National Congress (PNC) and MP for Inguraidhoo constituency Ibrahim Falah proposed to implement the governing rules of the 19th People’s Majlis tenure.

He proposed that the new Majlis tenure functions in accordance with the rules of the 19th People’s Majlis tenure so that the parliament may function smoothly.

Last updated at: 2 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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