K. Male'
09 Jun 2024 | Sun 15:48
Eid festivities in Kamadhoo island
Eid festivities in Kamadhoo island
Eid-al-Adha festivities in Kamadhoo
RaajjeTV to bring live Eid-al-Adha festivities from B. Kamadhoo this year!
There will be a special event on the night of Hajj Day
Several cultural activities have been planned
The festivities of Eid-al-Adha 1445 will kick off in Kamadhoo more colorfully than ever

Privately-run television station RaajjeTV is to air the colorful festivities of Eid-al-Adha 1445, from Kamadhoo island of Baa atoll this year.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, the island’s council President Hassan Zareer revealed that several fun-filled and colorful activities are scheduled to kick off in commemoration of Eid-al-Adha this year on the island, and that they are planning to host more colorful, exhilarating and entertaining activities, than any other island.

As such, Zareer highlighted that most cultural activities will be observed including ‘Bandiyaa Jehun’, a popular dance form as well as ‘Fathi Jehun’, an iconic form of folk music, both of which stem deeply from the Maldives’ traditions and culture.

In addition to this, the island council has planned a special event for the night of Hajj Day as well.

Zareer noted that the event, to be attended by 100 residents of the island, is aimed at courteously welcoming visitors to Kamadhoo.

A special ceremony will be held to unveil the stage on the night of Hajj, according to Zareer.

The enthusiastic council president went on to add that uninterrupted Eid celebrations will be hosted on the island for five days straight, from the night of Hajj through Eid holidays.

Shedding light on the activities and events planned for the nights, Zareer stated that the traditional ‘Bodumas’ will be featured on one of the nights and that three stage shows will also be hosted.

Highlighting that several outsiders would arrive on the island for Eid in large crowds, Zareer revealed that the guest houses on the island were also booked through.

All of the festivities scheduled to kick off in Kamadhoo island in commemoration of Eid-al-Adha, will be aired live for the viewers of RaajjeTV.

Last updated at: 2 weeks ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed