K. Male'
15 May 2024 | Wed 18:27
The president sent a congratulatory message to the new Prime Minister of Singapore on Wednesday
The president sent a congratulatory message to the new Prime Minister of Singapore on Wednesday
Presidents Office
New Prime Minister of Singapore
Pres. confident Maldives-Singapore ties will strengthen under new PM’s leadership
The president sent a congratulatory message to the new Prime Minister of Singapore on Wednesday
He expressed interest to work together towards increasing collaboration
The Maldivian leader expressed keen interest to work closely with the new PM of Singapore to improve bilateral ties

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has expressed confidence that the ties between Maldives and the Republic of Singapore will continue to strengthen under the leadership of the new Prime Minister of Singapore.

Following the appointment of a new PM of Singapore, President Muizzu sent a message of congratulations to PM Lawrence Wong.

The Maldivian leader expressed keen interest to work closely with the new PM of Singapore to improve bilateral ties further.

Further, he expressed interest to work together towards increasing collaboration in sectors of trade and investment that benefit both countries.

The president also expressed confidence that the friendship between the two countries as well the close bonds between the people of Maldives and Singapore will continue to enhance in the coming years, under the new PM’s capable leadership.

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