K. Male'
03 May 2024 | Fri 07:24
Abdulla Unais Has been appointed as the Secretary General of the Elections Commission of Maldives (EC)
Abdulla Unais Has been appointed as the Secretary General of the Elections Commission of Maldives (EC)
SG of Elections Commission
Unais appointed SG of Elections Commission
Alongside an SG, EC has appointed other members as well
Prior to his appointment as SG, he served as the director
Unais took over as Secretary General temporarily

Abdulla Unais Has been appointed as the Secretary General of the Elections Commission of Maldives (EC).

The appointment of Unais as the commission’s SG comes following the appointment of Hassan Zakariyya, who previously filled the post, as a member of the commission. He served as an acting SG for two years, prior to the appointment.

Zakariyya was appointed to the post of EC member on April 15.

Following Zakariyya’s resignation from the post, it was temporarily handed over to Unais.

Prior to being appointed as the SG of the commission, Unais earlier served as the Director of EC as well.

Unais has been holding multiple positions at the commission since 2005.

The new SG of EC has a Masters in Business Studies and IT Degree Honors.

Alongside the position of SG, the commission has appointed other members as well.

As such, Aminath Azeefa was appointed as the Director of the Planning and Registration Division and Seena Rasheed was appointed as the Deputy Director of the Administration and Support Service Section.

Last updated at: 4 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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