K. Male'
02 Apr 2024 | Tue 17:32
Palestinians mourn people killed in Israeli strikes, at Al-Aqsa hospital
Palestinians mourn people killed in Israeli strikes, at Al-Aqsa hospital
Maldives with Palestine
People's Majlis passes Resolution banning Israeli products, tourists
41 lawmakers voted in favor of passing the resolution
It also pushes for the banning of Israeli tourists from the Maldives
Maldives has and always will stand in steadfast solidarity with the people of Palestine

The People’s Majlis has passed a resolution seeking to ban the import of all Israeli goods as well as the entry of Israeli nationals into the country.

The bill seeking to defend the rights of Palestinian citizens, was passed at the parliament sitting held on Monday.

MP for Villingili constituency Saud Hussain proposed the bill back on 11 October 2023, calling to condemn Israel’s illegal occupation and inhumane attacks and genocide of the innocent Palestinian civilians, for an immediate ceasefire, to ensure the human rights of Palestinians are upheld, on Israeli armed forces to evacuate from the lands illegally snatched from the Palestinian people and demanding to recognize Palestine as an independent state.

A vote was taken on the motion at Monday’s parliament sitting and a majority of 41 lawmakers voted in favor of passing the resolution.

After receiving the bill, the parliamentary standing committee on foreign relations engaged in discussions with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The committee then decided to place the resolution on the floor for a final decision on the matter.

The resolution aims to let the world know the Maldives stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

It calls to end Israel’s military aggression against Palestinians, stop endeavors to take control of their lands, to condemn the vile genocide of Palestinian people in the strongest terms, to ensure the human rights of the Palestinian people are upheld, to sever any ties with Israel as well as to ban the import of any goods from Israel to the island nation.

It also pushes for the banning of Israeli tourists from the Maldives.

Maldives has and always will stand in steadfast solidarity with the people of Palestine, in their pursuit for an independent sovereign state of Palestine.

Maldives continues to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire of the crimes of genocide being committed by Israel.

Last updated at: 3 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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