K. Male'
17 Mar 2024 | Sun 17:26
Indira Gandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)
Indira Gandi Memorial Hospital (IGMH)
Sun Online
Rise in Common cold cases
HPA urges caution over surge in common cold cases
It is important to follow precautions to prevent the spread of viral flu and common cold cases
There would be several gatherings and throngs of people in public places since it is Ramadan
The public is urged to follow frequent hand-washing, sanitize and wear masks

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has urged caution over a rapid surge in common cold cases reported from outlying atolls as well as the congested capital, Malé City.

Speaking on RaajjeTV’s ‘Fala Surukhee’ programme, HPA’s Public Health Coordinator Fathimath Anaa revealed that there has been a spike in the number of viral flu and common cold cases reported in the last week, compared to the previous week.

Anaa stressed on the importance of adhering to precautionary measures, to prevent the spread of viral flu and common cold cases.

Highlighting that there would be several gatherings and throngs of people in public places since it is the fasting month of Ramadan, Anaa stressed on the importance of staying home and refrain from going out, if one exhibits flu symptoms.

She also urged the public to follow frequent hand-washing, sanitize and wear masks for the safety of all.

Further, she noted the importance of those who go to mosques for prayers to wash their hands properly and wear masks if they have a severe cough.

HPA continues to urge caution from the public to take preventive measures against such diseases.

Some of the precautionary measures that have been urged include regular hand washing, taking more fluids if one catches the cold, only using paracetamol if one has a high temperature, covering one’s nose and mouth when coughing to make sure that others don’t get infected, wearing long-sleeve shirts and long pants and using mosquito repellent lotions or sprays to prevent dengue fever.

Last updated at: 4 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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