K. Male'
28 Dec 2023 | Thu 18:02
Heavy rain and flooding has damaged 97 houses in five districts of southern most Addu City
Heavy rain and flooding has damaged 97 houses in five districts of southern most Addu City
Heavy rain damages houses in Addu City
Heavy rain damages 97 houses in Addu City
60 houses were flooded in Feydhoo district
13 houses in Maradhoo district were flooded
Despite the intense rain and flooding, none of the residents of the houses needed to be evacuated

Heavy rain and flooding has damaged 97 houses in five districts of southern most Addu City.

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has disclosed that houses in Addu City's Maradhoo district, Maradhoo-feydhoo district, Feydhoo district, Hithadhoo district and Hulhudhoo district were damaged due to heavy rain and flooding, this Wednesday.

As such, the authority disclosed that 60 houses were flooded in Feydhoo district. Additionally, 13 houses in Maradhoo district, 10 houses in Hulhudhoo district, nine houses in Hithadhoo disctrist and five houses in Maradhoo district were flooded.

The NDMA revealed that despite the intense rain and flooding, none of the residents of the houses needed to be evacuated or provided humanitarian aid.

The authority stated that the process of draining the city's neighborhoods and placing sandbags was assisted by the Addu City Council, district offices, Maldives National Defense Force, Maldives Police Service, Maldives Red Crescent, Road Development Corporation, and private companies in addition to members of the public.

The NDMA further stated that as soon as the flooding is under control and the water has been drained, the authority will begin the damage assessment process.

Last updated at: 6 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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