K. Male'
04 Dec 2023 | Mon 06:34
Construction of N. Velidhoo Junior College is well underway
Construction of N. Velidhoo Junior College is well underway
N. Velidhoo Junior College
N. Velidhoo Junior College construction progressing well
MTCC began the foundation and beam concrete component of the project on Sunday
The company has so far wrapped up the site clearance and excavation operations linked to the project
The project was contracted to be completed within 270 days

The construction of the Junior College being built on Velidhoo island of Noonu atoll is progressing well.

This was revealed by the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) on Sunday.

As such, taking to ‘X’ to provide the latest updates of the Velidhoo Junior College construction project to the public, MTCC revealed that the construction is well underway.

MTCC began the foundation and beam concrete component of the project on Sunday.

The company has so far wrapped up the site clearance and excavation operations linked to the project.

The physical work of the project began on 5 September 2023.

Under the scope of the project, MTCC is required to construct a single-story building in an area measuring 10,276 square feet.

The finished building will feature two classrooms, one ICT laboratory, one library and a workshop.

The Velidhoo Junior College project is valued at MVR 11.91 million and was contracted during August 2023.

The project was contracted to be completed within 270 days.

With a population of 2,724, Velidhoo has a community mostly active in the tourism sector, with seven high-end resorts already operating in the atoll. Many residents of Velidhoo are employed in these resorts.

Highlighting that Velidhoo has an adequate population with a majority seeking their education, MTCC revealed that the completion of the Velidhoo Junior College project will pave the path for youth to be able to seek their studies on the island.

This is also expected to result in the enhancement of the island community’s productivity and form an educated young generation.

Last updated at: 7 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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