K. Male'
03 Dec 2023 | Sun 17:54
MP for Hoarafushi constituency, Ahmed Saleem
MP for Hoarafushi constituency, Ahmed Saleem
Hoarafushi MP Ahmed Saleem
MP Saleem wins MDP PG’s vote to elect Deputy Majlis Speaker
The parliament sitting to elect the Deputy Speaker of People's Majlis is scheduled for Sunday night
MP Rozaina won 23 votes and MP Jabir won four votes
26 members voted in favor of MP Saleem

MP for Hoarafushi constituency, Ahmed Saleem has won a vote held by the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s Parliamentary Group (PG) to elect a Deputy Speaker of the People’s Majlis.

The election for a MDP PG candidate for the newly vacated post of Deputy Parliament Speaker, was held by MDP’s PG on Sunday.

Results showed that MP Saleem led the votes with 26 members having voted in his favor.

MP for Addu Meedhoo constituency Rozaina Adam trails close with 23 votes in favor, and MP for Kaashidhoo constituency Abdulla Jabir falling short with just four votes.

Out of the 55 members who cast their votes, 53 were valid and two votes were invalid.

The parliament sitting to elect the new Deputy Speaker has been scheduled for Sunday night. The sitting will be held as per Article 82 (a) of the Maldivian constitution, at 08:30pm.

A new deputy parliament speaker is being elected following the resignation of MP for North Galolhu constituency, Eva Abdulla, from her post on Sunday.

Eva presented her letter of resignation during Sunday's parliament setting, while the no-confidence motion against her was proceeding.

The MDP filed the no-confidence motion against Eva at the People’s Majlis with the signatures of 50 lawmakers. The notice of the motion was sent to Eva and the parliament members on November 16.

Eva spoke on her behalf during the sitting before delivering her letter of resignation.

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