K. Male'
13 Nov 2023 | Mon 14:14
Eva Abdulla, Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Eva Abdulla, Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Move to oust Majlis Deputy Speaker
MDP moves resolution to oust Deputy Speaker Eva
A resolution to oust Nasheed as speaker is also in motion
The no-confidence motion against Eva was submitted with 50 signatures
MDP’s Parliamentary Group took the vote on Monday morning

A no-confidence motion has been submitted against Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Eva Abdulla.

The main ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) filed the no-confidence motion at the People’s Majlis with the signatures of 50 lawmakers, including MP for Nolhivaram constituency Mohamed Nasheed Abdulla.

According to Mohamed Aslam, MDP’s Parliamentary Group took the vote on Monday morning.

MDP in its resolution highlighted that as Eva was elected on an MDP ticket, as she signed the agreement of candidates and as point three of the agreement states that she would remain a member of the party once elected, her withdrawing from the party on her own request was a clear violation of the agreement.

Further, the resolution states that MDP members voted in favor of Eva with the confidence that she would continue to promote the policies of the party and remain loyal to the party, however, her withdrawal from the party has foiled the trust and confidence the MDP PG had for her.

The MDP PG agrees that Eva is obstructing the rules of the Majlis by hindering the proceedings of the no-confidence motion against her cousin, Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Nasheed. She has refused to carry out the case seeking to oust Nasheed as speaker to protect her family’s personal interests and promote it, due to her special bond with Nasheed. The resolution stated that this is in clear violation of Article 75 of the Maldives Constitution.

MDP has moved to oust Eva as deputy speaker, while a resolution to oust Nasheed as speaker is also in motion, signed by 49 lawmakers. The no-confidence motion against Nasheed has been stalled for five consecutive sittings and MDP had taken up the matter at the Supreme Court as well, which ruled that the no-confidence motion can be carried out in the absence of Eva.

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