K. Male'
20 Sep 2023 | Wed 16:49
 Harbor Development and Shore Protection Project of N. Holhudhoo
Harbor Development and Shore Protection Project of N. Holhudhoo
Holhudhoo Harbor and Shore Protection
Physical works on Holhudhoo Harbor and Shore Protection Project commenced
The value of the project is MVR 43.2 million
The new harbor basin dredging work is currently ongoing at the site
MTCC commenced the physical works of the project on 18 September 2023

Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) has commenced the physical works on the Harbor Development and Shore Protection Project of Holhudhoo Island in Noonu Atoll.

MTCC commenced the physical works of the project on 18 September 2023.

As such, the company notes that the new harbor basin dredging work is currently ongoing at the site.

The scope of the project includes 10,614 cubic meters harbor dredging operations, 1,375 cubic meters dredging for detached ramp area and 5,303 cubic meters harbor reclamation operation.

Construction of a 570 meters breakwater, a 14 meters rock boulder revetment, a 375 meters geobag revetment and a 89 meters quay wall is also included in the project.

Furthermore, MTCC is contracted to build a 10 meters by nine meters detached ramp, install a harbor pavement measuring 418 square meters, as well as install harbor lights and mooring buoys.

The value of the project is MVR 43.2 million.

Last updated at: 11 months ago
Reviewed by: Fathimath Zuhaira
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