K. Male'
23 Aug 2023 | Wed 15:31
Maalhos Harbor Repair and Shore Protection Project
Maalhos Harbor Repair and Shore Protection Project
Maalhos Harbor Repair, Shore Protection
MTCC mobilizes project site for B. Maalhos harbor repair, shore protection
The project is valued at MVR 69.4 million
MTCC mobilized the project on August 20
MTCC will be conducting dredging operations and constructing a quay wall and a breakwater

The project site for the harbor repair and shore protection project in Maalhos island of Baa atoll, has been mobilized.

This was revealed by the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) on Tuesday.

As such, providing the latest update of the Maalhos harbor repair and shore protection project via Twitter, MTCC revealed that they mobilized the project site on August 20.

Under the scope of the project, MTCC is required to conduct maintenance dredging operations in an area measuring 7,512 cubic meters, new harbor basin dredging operations in an area spanning 36,527 cubic meters as well as channel dredging operations in a 882-cubic meter area.

Further, the construction of a 310-meter quay wall, a breakwater measuring 370 meters, a revetment measuring 266 meters, a ramp measuring 11 meters by 11 meters and a concrete bridge measuring 100 meters by 1.5 meters also come under the contract.

The company will also be installing a harbor pavement measuring 1,475 square meters alongside mooring rings as well as navigational and harbor lights.

The Maalhos harbor repair and shore protection project is valued at MVR 69.4 million.

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