K. Male'
27 Jun 2017 | Tue 16:11
MInister Dr. Mohamed Shainee (L), MP Ahmed Thoriq (R)
MInister Dr. Mohamed Shainee (L), MP Ahmed Thoriq (R)
Ruling Coalition in Crisis    
Minister Shainee laughs at PPM MP Thoriq's allegations
Accusing the Minister of having 'unacceptable' relationships with exporters, Thoriq called on Shainee to resign
A number of fishermen have expressed concerns regarding the government's insurance scheme for them
According to the President Yameen's campaign pledge, all professional fishermen would receive a monthly income of at MVR 10,000; regardless of their yield

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture Dr. Mohamed Shainee responds to allegations made by ruling party parliamentarian Ahmed Thoriq.

Thoriq had, in a social media post, accused the Minister of having 'unacceptable' relationships with yellow fin exporters, noting Shainee's 'various failures'. The MP further called on Minister Shainee to resign.

When RaajjeMV called Minister Shainee for a response to Thoriq's allegations, he did not answer the call, but had replied to a Viber message.

Replying to RaajjeMV's message asking his response to the allegations, Shainee replied with a simple "hehe" (laugh). However, he did not respond further on the matter, choosing to ignore the follow-up questions to his response.

MP Thoriq's allegations comes a week after Minister Shainee claimed that 'the only reason' why fishermen were not responding to the government's Fishermen Insurance Scheme 'Beyas Nubeyas' was because of how well they are doing.

In a tweet sent out on June 18, the Ministry claimed that 'the only reason why fishers are not signing up for Beyas Nubeyas in number". A photo of 'the average earnings for a fisher from Gemanafushi [of Gaafu Alif atoll]' was attached to the tweet, showing that the Ministry's comment was based on the income of fishermen from just one island.

While the Ministry claims that all the fishermen in the country are doing well in numbers, there are a number of issues facing the fisheries sector, with a fisherman even confronting Minister Shainee in April. While a recording of the heated discussion circulated around social media, the fisherman is heard questioning the Minister over President Abdulla Yameen's pledge.

The man is heard saying that he had filled and submitted the required forms a number of times, but that he was yet to receive any allowance, asking the Minister if "anyone has received it at all".

While Minister Shainee did not seem to take the criticism well, and is heard responding harshly to the man, asking how much the fisherman makes. The Minister interrupts him as he is replying saying "if you lie-" as the video cuts off.

According to the President Yameen's campaign pledge in 2013, all professional fishermen would receive a monthly income of at MVR 10,000; regardless of their yield.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
- comment
7 years ago
Please let the public know the corruptions of MNDF Chief of Defence Force; - How he bought 8 Lands from Laamu Gan for his hotel business - How he bought a Mas Dhoni which his friend is operating in GA Atoll - What happened to MNDF Hulhumale flat 125 million ruffiya - Whats happening to MNDF 2 companies SIWEC and SIFCO profit - Whats happening to the tax money spent on MNDF uniforms and accessories procured through SIFCO - Whats happening to the money spent by MNDF SIWEC to Uthuru Thilafalhu - Construction projects of MNDF Military Engineering - His son in Laws Bank account and projects - How his 2 wives, childrens and parents enjoy with MNDF resources, which even the president of Maldives don't get.. - Etc...,