K. Male'
15 Apr 2022 | Fri 18:18
Gulhifalhu and Thilafushi in Kaafu atoll
Gulhifalhu and Thilafushi in Kaafu atoll
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Reclamation of Thilafushi Island
HDC seeking proponents for reclamation of K. Thilafushi
The deadline has been set at 3:30pm, May 8
Interested individuals may forward their EOIs via email or hand the required documents over to the front desk
HDC asserts that they have the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the EOI process and reject all proposal at any given time

The Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is seeking parties to reclaim Thilafushi island in Kaafu atoll.

In an announcement, the company invited interested proponents to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) for the project which will see dredging, reclamation and shore protection of Thilafushi Phase Two in accordance with the requirements of HDC.

HDC noted that the evaluation criteria for the EOIs will assess the project financing mechanism, technical capability of the contractor and the proposed duration of the project.

Further, the company highlighted that compatibility with the HDC’s vision, strategic objectives and the masterplan will serve as an added advantage.

The project’s technical contract will revolve around the “Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (2006)” published by the Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils (FIDIC).

Noting that HDC will have the right to ask for any additional documents for the purpose of evaluation, the announcement reads that the duly completed document set as stated in the EOI application form must be submitted for the EOI to be accepted.

In addition to this, HDC asserts that they have the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the EOI process and reject all proposal at any given time prior to framework agreement signing, without incurring any liability to the proponents.

With this being said, HDC revealed that all proponents will be informed in case of annulment and the proposals will be returned.

Interested individuals may forward their EOIs and applicationformsviaemailor hand the required documents over to the front desk at the ground floor of HDC building in Hulhumalé.

The deadline has been set at 3:30pm, May 8.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Maryam Dhaanish Nasheed
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