K. Male'
22 Dec 2021 | Wed 18:25
MDP national congress
MDP national congress
MDP National Congress Elections 2021
Loyalists of President Solih lead MDP congress race 2021
Nasheed vouched for candidates supporting a parliamentary system
100 seats in the national congress have been confirmed for the incumbent administration
Sports Minister Mahloof secured a landslide victory

A majority of the candidates that won in the internal congress elections of main ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), belongs to the faction that supports President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

RaajjeMV understands that a majority of candidates that won vouch for the incumbent administration, which means that Speaker and Former President Mohamed Nasheed who vouched for candidates supporting a parliamentary system, faces a major defeat.

Voting commenced for 97 seats of the MDP National Congress, during Saturday’s polls.

It is believed that over 100 seats of the congress will come under the president.

Ex-Mayor of the capital, Shifa Mohamed won the capital’s seat against Akram Kamaluddin, State Minister for planning.

Further, Ahmed Mahloof, Minister of Youth, Sports and Community Empowerment won a landslide victory after beating Moosa Naeem and Ali Shaheen Hussain for the presidency of North Central Province.

Alongside Mahloof, Minister of Economic Development Fayyaz Ismail and Minister of Finance, Ibrahim Ameer had also secured victories.

The presidency of Alifushi constituency was won by Alifushi constituency MP Mohamed Rasheed Hussain.

A lot of people believe that the MDP internal congress elections are directly linked to the next presidential election.

MDP revealed that the polling process went smoothly, without any hiccups.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Imad Latheef
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