K. Male'
03 May 2017 | Wed 21:57
The case filed at the Civil Court seeks to prove police negligence in Yameen Rasheed's murder, 'by failing to protect him'
The case filed at the Civil Court seeks to prove police negligence in Yameen Rasheed's murder, 'by failing to protect him'
Azmoon Ahmed
Yameen Rasheed's Murder
Yameen's family files case against police at Civil Court
The case filed at the Civil Court seeks to prove police negligence in Yameen Rasheed's murder, 'by failing to provide him protection'
"My request is for an independent team to investigate my son's murder and bring perpetrators to justice", said Yameen's father
Yameen Rasheed was stabbed to death in a brutal attack, early morning on the 23rd of April

Family of the late writer Yameen Rasheed has, on Wednesday, filed a case against the Maldives Police Service (MPS) at the Civil Court.

Blogger and pro-democracy activist Yameen Rasheed was stabbed to death in a brutal attack in the early hours on April 23. Prior to his death, Yameen had reported the various death threats he had received to the police, who had failed to take any action in the matter.

Due to this, the case filed at the Civil Court seeks to prove police negligence in Yameen Rasheed's murder, 'by failing to provide him protection'.

Speaking to the press on Wednesday afternoon, after filing the case at court, Yameen's father Hussain Rasheed reiterated the family's call to enlist foreign experts in the investigation.

"My request is for an independent team to investigate my son's murder and bring perpetrators to justice", said Rasheed, adding that he did not want his son's murder "to be forgotten".

He further noted that the police has informed the family that Yameen's murder case is a high priority case, and that they "are working non-stop and will bring perpetrators to justice".

Lawyer Husnu Al-Suood also spoke at today's press conference, where he noted that Yameen had reported death threats to the police "three times until 2016", emphasizing that he had tagged the institution "several times on twitter threats".

"The police had information to take steps to perform their lawful duty with regard to the threats faced by Yameen Rasheed", said Suood.

Noting that Yameen's family is not trying to change the motive, the lawyer said they seek "a speedy and transparent investigation and justice", adding that they also seek assurance that "credible and competent assistance" is sought in the investigation, with the involvement of international investigative bodies.

"We know there are international offers to assist", added Suood.

Noting that the police needs to "reassure the public that they will sincerely deliver their duty to protect and serve equally", the lawyer highlighted that their objective in filing the case at Civil Court is "to make it known that negligence will mean the institutions are held to account".




Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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