K. Male'
27 Apr 2017 | Thu 21:36
President Yameen spoke at a PPM gathering on Thursday
President Yameen spoke at a PPM gathering on Thursday
President Yameen
Will amend Constitution to free Nasheed if opposition leaders request so: President
President Yameen asked all opposition leaders to send in separate letters
Said that will bring necessary changes to Constitution, if opposition leaders make the request
Opposition leaders formed a coalition in March, agreeing to work together to reform government

President Abdulla Yameen has said that he will bring the necessary amendments to the Constitution to free former President Mohamed Nasheed, if the opposition coalition leaders made such a request.

He made the statement while speaking at an event held by the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) titled ‘Maves PPM’ [translates to “I too am PPM”] on Thursday.

Noting that despite opposition members calling to free Nasheed, Adhalaath Party Leader Sheikh Imran and other such detainees, the President said the Constitution does not allow him to do so.

Leaders of the opposition- including MDP leader former President Nasheed, AP leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla, JP leader Qasim Ibrahim and leader of one faction of PPM and President Yameen's half -brother, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom- formed a coalition in March, agreeing to work jointly and together in parliament and in the political environment to reform the government.

However, President Yameen said if the leaders of the recently formed opposition coalition send in separate letters, requesting him to amend the Constitution to pave the way to free Nasheed, that he is willing to do so.

“What we can do to free Nasheed is, all opposition leaders can send in letters to me. President Maumoon too. Imran as well. President Nasheed too. And Qasim too should send separate letters, either through their party or on their own. That all of you want for President Nasheed to be freed. Requesting to bring the necessary changes to the Constitution to allow it to happen. Then I can ask my PG leader and see if it has any support in parliament. So, this is a way. Let’s go through this path”, the President said.

He further noted that the government has already proposed to hold all-party talks in order to find a solution for the political unrest in the country, emphasizing that “that door is still open”. However, he noted that it is not going to happen if the opposition keeps adding conditions such as to involve certain individuals in the all-party talks.

“Party leader. Some [opposition] leaders are self-exiled. They do not want to return to Maldives. Rest are serving a sentence. The State does not want to hold such conversations with those serving a sentence. Who negotiates with terrorists? No one will do so, right?”, the President continued.

Furthermore, President Yameen also touched on the Local Council Elections 2017, scheduled for May 6 after being postponed numerous times, adding that PPM has been preparing for the elections, working closely with the people.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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