K. Male'
20 Apr 2017 | Thu 14:11
The protest in Villingili of Gaafu Alifu atoll, on April 19, 2017
The protest in Villingili of Gaafu Alifu atoll, on April 19, 2017
Threats On Civil Service
Villingili residents condemn government over job threats
State employees native to the island had recently faced intimidation over their political leanings
Protesters had also called for the release of former deputy education minister Ibrahim Haneef
Residents of the island are predominantly supporters of the ruling party

Residents of Gaafu Alifu atoll, who are predominantly supporters of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives, have protested the government’s alleged politically discriminatory intimidation of state employees.

Four employees native to the island that have each served the state-owned Felivaru Fisheries for over 13 to 15 years had recently been transferred to a plant in Lhaviyani atoll. Sixteen other employees have reportedly been threatened with termination if they do not sign on to the ruling party’s faction loyal to President Abdulla Yameen.

There have been other reports of civil service offices forcing their employees into signing with the party, and penalties placed against those that refused to oblige.

READ MORE: State employees coerced into signing with ruling party

Protesters had also called for the release of Ibrahim Haneef, a former deputy of the Education Minister who was apprehended on charges of attempting to assassinate a judge. His supporters maintained that Haneef was not guilty of the crime, as they called out assurances of his composed temperament and his commitment to developing the island’s academic facilities.

The island’s parliamentarian, MP Saud Hussein, had recently withdrawn support for the president’s faction and decided to back former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom – who is now aligned with the opposition.

Six members of the island’s council, formally loyal to the government, have also expressed their discontent with the administration’s political tactics.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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