K. Male'
17 Apr 2017 | Mon 14:56
MP Ali Hussain
MP Ali Hussain
Qasim's Arrest
Can raise terror charges against President over Qasim's arrest: Kendhoo MP
MP Ali Hussain said that if they "take a page out of the President's book, terror charges can be raised against him"
Terror charges were raised against ex-President Nasheed; over the 2012 arrest of Criminal Court Chief Judge and the 2010 arrest of President Yameen, then Mulaku MP
Qasim was arrested on April 6, and released on the 12th after a High Court order

MP for Kendhoo constituency, Ali Hussain has said that terrorism charges can be raised against President Abdulla Yameen, over Jumhooree Party (JP) leader, Qasim Ibrahim’s 'unlawful' arrest.

He made the statement in an exclusive interview to RaajjeTV’s Fala Surukhee program on Sunday night, where he strongly criticized President Abdulla Yameen’s government.

“If we were to take a page out of President Yameen’s book, we can raise terror charges against him”, said the parliamentarian.

The comment was made in reference to former President Mohamed Nasheed’s case, where he was charged with terrorism over the arrest of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed. He was found guilty and sentenced to 13 years in jail. In addition, terror charges have been raised against Nasheed for the 2010 arrest of Abdulla Yameen, then the parliament representative for Mulaku constituency.

He further highlighted that the High Court ruling ordering Qasim’s release noted that Criminal Court’s warrant for his arrest was granted outside legal ambit. Qasim Ibrahim was arrested on April 6, and issued a six-day remand the next day.

“Officers have tried not to make an arrest. They [officers] are also seeing the country’s state deteriorating. I believe that police officers are not carrying out these acts willingly. However, they arrested Qasim over fear of their jobs, because of the immense pressure they are facing. In making the arrest, they overlooked the set procedures”, said MP Ali Hussain.

He added that it was the government that suffered by arresting the JP leader.

The Kendhoo constituency representative further accused the government of carrying out corrupt activities “in the name of development”, and added that the people "are aware of this now".

He further accused President Yameen of “draining the people” using the tax authority, Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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