K. Male'
06 Apr 2017 | Thu 22:18
Raudha Athif was found dead in her dorm room in Bangladesh on March 29
Raudha Athif was found dead in her dorm room in Bangladesh on March 29
Raudha's Death
Unlocked Raudha's phone, have obtained crucial information: Police
Raudha Athif was found hanging from the ceiling fan in her dorm room in Bangladesh on March 29
Raudha's family and friends do not believe that she would have committed suicide despite the autopsy report
The family sought help from Maldivian authorities after noticing suspicious activities on Raudha's phone

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has said that it has obtained crucial information to help its investigation on the sudden death of Raudha Athif, after finally being able to unlock her phone.

MPS said that it has obtained crucial information after unlocking Raudha’s phone, via twitter on Thursday evening, but did not reveal further on the matter or how they were able to unlock her iPhone. Bangladesh authorities had been unable to access her phone, reported Bangladesh’s The Daily Star on Tuesday.

The tweet came hours after MPS asked local media “to stop spreading speculations” on her death.

According to MPS, the speculations regarding her death “obstructs the ongoing investigation”.

Two senior officials from MPS, Chief Superintendent Mohamed Riyaz and Chief Inspector Ahmed Ali, traveled to Rajashahi, Bangladesh earlier this week, to assist the Detective Branch in the investigation.

Raudha, 20, was found hanging from the ceiling fan in her dorm room in the women’s hotel of Islami Bank Medical College in Rajshahi on March 29. The model, who was making waves in the international fashion industry, was studying medicine there.

While the initial autopsy report ruled the death a suicide, her family and friends refute this, saying Raudha was a “happy” girl, and had no reason to commit suicide.

Her brother, Rayyan Athif had told Bangladeh’s The Daily Star that they “sought help from the Maldivian government after suspecting that someone else was using the Instagram profile of his sister”.

“At one point, the profile was deleted all together probably to hide evidence,” Rayyan had said.

Raudha's Instagram profile went missing on Monday afternoon.

Noting that the police has taken the phone of one of her classmates, The Daily Star reported that Raudha’s mother, Aminath Muharrimath has also made an allegation towards the same classmate, even saying that the girl had attempted to drug Raudha once.

While the classmate denies the allegations, Inspector Rashidhul Islam of the Detective Branch has confirmed that they “are examining [the classmate’s] phone,” but said that they “had not confiscated it”.

 A petition calling for an independent and proper investigation into Raudha’s death has been launched on www.change.org.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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