K. Male'
05 Apr 2017 | Wed 04:43
Villa Group Chairman Qasim Ibrahim
Villa Group Chairman Qasim Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
State vs. Villa Group
Already paid US$ 4.6 mln over Th. Elaa: Qasim
Payment schedule for Elaa begins on December 2018
Penalizing after awarding MMA’s “Ran Laari” is pure drama
Elaa, Gazeera, Maanefushi development pending after Govt. changed contract

Villa Group Chairman Qasim Ibrahim says the Group has already paid US$ 4.6 million, for the island of Elaa, adding that payment schedule for the island was to start in December 2018.

Speaking to press over the continued legal action against the Group by the Government, Qasim Ibrahim, who also is the Member of Parliament for Maamigili Constituency, said the Group’s accounts were frozen on false grounds. Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) had frozen the Group’s accounts, claiming the Group had defaulted on payments and interest amounting to US$ 18.6 million.

Pointing out that he had received the “Ran Laari” award given by MIRA in December 2014, Qasim noted the absurdity of levying a hefty fine for due amounts, mere two months later.

“In December 2014, [the Government] gave the Tax “Ran Laari”, claiming us to be the best tax payers. In February 2015, [the same Government] declared we owe US$ 92 million as rent and penalties. When this happens, the public will find it hard to believe that this is not a drama. I’m sure that everyone, from Court Judges, heads of institutions, Police, Army, will find it hard to accept that we were fined by US$ 92 million just two months after the President, on behalf of Inland Revenue, handed [us] the “Ran Laari” award. It’s not logical that [the tax authority] would give “Ran Laari” while we have outstanding amounts,” Qasim said.

Qasim said work on Th. Elaa, GDh. Gazeera, R. Maanenfushi and other lagoons was stalled as the Tourism Ministry had changed the terms of the contracts for the areas.

While Qasim had said this in regards to Elaa, the lower Courts had decreed in January that Tourism Ministry’s decision to nullify the agreement made with the Group over the island, was illegal. However, when the state filed the case for appeal in High Court, the Court had ruled against the lower Court verdict. Villa Group had filed the case for appeal in Supreme Court.

The attacks on Qasim Ibrahim’s businesses had restarted after he had allied with the opposition.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Raajjemv
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