K. Male'
11 May 2020 | Mon 16:11
ADK Hospital
ADK Hospital
Services at ADK Hospital
ADK Hospital pledges commitment to continue serving the people
12 of its staff who had tested positive for the Covid-19 virus are doing well
ADK assured the people that they are adhering to strict protocols in accordance with national and international guidelines
ADK assured that they will ensure patients and staff are protected from the pandemic

ADK Hospital has pledged its commitment to continue its services for the greater good of the people.

The hospital released a statement on Monday, highlighting that 12 of its staff who had tested positive for the Covid-19 virus are doing well.

In the statement, ADK assured the people that they are adhering to strict protocols in accordance with national and international guidelines to ensure that patients and staff are protected from the pandemic.

Further, the hospital noted that the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has begun contact tracing for the positive patients and administered the precautionary measures required.

ADK Hospital has also implemented a number of safety measures which will be followed when providing services for the people.

Highlighting that their staff are working resiliently in the face of the pandemic, ADK asserted that the virus can be defeated if everyone works together in unity.

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