K. Male'
02 Apr 2017 | Sun 14:13
Aminath Nadhira
Aminath Nadhira
Maumoon will not back down, whatever the obstacles: Nadhira
Nadhira is the deputy leader of Maumoon's faction of PPM
PPM has been divided since June 2016, with ex-Pres. Maumoon withdrawing support for his brother's administration in October
Nadhira accused the government of using its power to intimidate and harass “as it does not have any support anymore”.

Deputy Leader of one faction of the divided Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), Aminath Nadhira has said that former President Maumoon Abdula Gayoom will not drawback, whatever the obstacles.

In an interview to RaajjeTV’s “60 minutes” on Saturday, Nadhira said that “even if [they] take the flag, the name board, President Maumoon will not back down”.

Nadhira’s comments were in reference to police removing the name board and flags from Henveiru Themaa, the main office of Maumoon’s faction, on Friday.

She said President Maumoon “does not work for a name board, but to protect the people’s rights”.

READ MORE: 'Am I allowed to use my own name, say that I love my country' asks ex-Pres.

Noting that the government “is pressuring President Maumoon because of the work he has begun for the people,” Nadhira said that he intended “to strengthen the work”.

No work being carried out for the people can be derailed or stopped,” she said.

Furthermore, Nadhira accused incumbent President Abdulla Yameen’s faction of the party of working “against party regulations,” and that the former President “has never violated any”.

She added that Maumoon has not been given any documents regarding shutting down his office.

The Civil Court order says to hold a meeting chaired by the chief advisor. It is not the PPM leaders fault that those in the faction cannot read, or fathom what it says. The party’s chief advisor does not have an active role in making the party’s agenda”, she added.

She further accused the government of using its power to intimidate and harass “as it does not have any support anymore”.

The name board and flags were removed after as per a Civil Court ruling on Thursday night, ordering the police to shut down the office in Henveiru Themaa. It further ordered the elected leader of PPM to immediately halt any activities being held under party’s name.

After the police entered the office and removed the name board and flags, the former President tweeted that he will ‘sue’ those who ‘vandalized’ his office on Friday.

READ MORE: Will sue who vandalized my office premises: President Maumoon

The office- office of the leader of the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)- was opened in October 2016, after the Civil Court ordered Maumoon to handover the party to its chief advisor, his half-brother and incumbent President Abdulla Yameen. The brothers have been involved in a public dispute since June 2016, with President Maumoon withdrawing support for his brother’s government in October 2016.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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